Hello, and welcome to project tongue twister!
The goal of this site is to explore some of the reasons why tongue twisters are difficult for some people to produce.
Initially conceived as a semester-long student project for a digital humanities class at the University of Pittsburgh, our project members wanted to use as many digital tools as possible to examine, represent, and analyze the elements in a corpus of tongue twisters in the hope of forming some grounded conclusions on the subject. Being able to form these conclusions, we hope that our viewers may be able to use our site as a source of inspiration for further research or interest in linguistics, speech pathology, the digital humanities, or, at the very least, glitter.
Another useful feature included in our site are the links to the raw XML, XSLT, CSS, and JavaScript documents we created for this site. You can also find links to the full corpus of tongue twisters in each language in the links section of our site.
Some of you may have noticed that certain pages on our site are not up and running yet - don't worry! This site is an ongoing work in progress. Our hope is that we may be able to add more languages and analytical features to our site using the structures we already have in place for our existing pages. For now though, we hope that you enjoy using what materials we have posted to the site!